Cultural Resource Management Services

Morton Archaeology Field Investigations

Morton Archaeological Research Services has more than ten years experience in archaeological investigations for local, State and Federal regulation compliance, and in the excavation, documentation and evaluation of prehistoric and historic period archaeological sites.  Morton Archaeological Research Services provides a full range of archaeological services for cultural resource management, preservation and historic documentation. Customers include local, state and federal authorities, developers, individuals, not-for-profits, individuals and educational institutions.

Our firm has thirty years experience in archaeological investigations for local, State and Federal regulatory compliance, and in the excavation, documentation and evaluation of prehistoric and historic archaeological sites. Our goal is to enable clients to meet the Federal (Section 106) and State regulatory requirements as effortlessly as possible, quickly and cost effectively.

Archaeological services for all types of client and sizes of project. Morton Archaeological Research Services is a New York State Women Business Enterprise (WBE).

MARS Services include:

  • Phase IA background research, Phase IB field investigations
  • Phase II/III site evaluation and mitigation
  • Standing Structures Assessment
  • National Register Eligibility
  • Viewshed analysis
  • Laboratory analyses including faunal analysis and artifact curation
  • Education and training seminars
  • Preservation planning
  • Monitoring during construction

Competitive rates and project schedules