About Us

Morton Archaeological Research Services is a sole proprietorship based in the Rochester, NY area and offering cultural resource management investigation and mitigation for projects across New York State.  Providing a full range of archaeological services for cultural resource management, preservation and historic documentation.  Customers include local, state and federal authorities, developers, individuals, not-for-profits, and educational institutions.

Types of Projects:

  • Linear/corridor surveys (roadway reconstructions, bridge replacements, railroads, utilities, recreation)
  • Architectural surveys and evaluations
  • Project planning, preservation, public outreach and education, National Register of Historic Place (NRHP) evaluations
  • Assessments and evaluation for Federal Environmental Impact Statements (EIS), and Environmental Assessments (EA).
  • Monitoring for potential cultural resources during construction
  • Analysis and curation of recovered artifacts, including detailed faunal bone analysis

We have consultation experience with Tribal Historic Preservation Offices in New York State and are familiar with SEQR, DEC, DOT SED, OPRHP Section 14.09 and Federal Section 106 requirements.